Inside the paradigm of open data, open research data focuses on the promotion of scientific data to foster their availability to allow new research, cross-use of data, assessment and so on.
The dat@OSU project has been developed within the "THETA Earth Science and Astronomy Observatory" (OSU THETA). It aims to reference and promote the scientific data produced by the laboratories and research teams federated within OSU THETA, by means of structured informations about data, the metadata.
These metadata - title, description, identity of PI scientists and of collaborating contributors, spatial and temporal coverages, ... - draw a detailed and organized picture of the scientific data, whatever the relevant scientific discipline, would it be climatology, astronomy, molecular physics, ecology or geosciences.
The portal of the project has been opened to everyone for consultation since April 26, 2016. At the time of the opening, 32 metadata files are available implying around 70 researchers and collaborators from about thirty research institutions collaborating with laboratories and research teams of OSU THETA.
The development of the portal is still on-going. For the data to be even more visible, the metadata will automatically exported be in the future into general or discipline-specific portals, whether international of French.

View online : The Data@OSU portal